The agency had requested stop motion animation for these proposed spots for Sorry and Yahtzee branded card games. I said "I can do it in Maya and make it look like stop motion" - the thought being that production would be much easier to simulate stop motion with CG, and we could be more ambitious and experiment with more ideas. That swiftly got rejected with that notion that they wanted *real* stop motion, not CG.
So we did this: one of the artists spent the weekend doing a stop motion test with the real cards moving and dancing... and then I took that as a reference and spent a few days simulating that look in Maya. We presented only the Maya version to the client, telling them that this was our "stop motion photography test". They loved it! That's when we revealed it wasn't butter, it was margarine.
In hindsight, if we had attempted to do these with stop motion photography, it would have been painfully tedious.
Completed March 14, 2010

Simulated stop-motion in Maya fools the client!

I love this 'unfolding' solution that I came up with... I'm glad the client did too.

The laughing 'Sorry' card beind the two sad and defeated green cards.

Thanks for watching!