LMN was unveiling a weekly movie night they were branding as 'SINEMA' (sinfully good cinema). It was a struggle to capture the right vibe for this, and there were many attempts by some great artists that did not really hit the nail on the head yet. Eventually I got involved and a couple of concepts later I pitched this neon look which seemed to work for the creative director.
I built this neon look from scratch in After Effects in as modular a way as possible, so it could be easy to build a toolkit to automate the process of changing the tune-in information. There are a lot of custom written expressions at play here that drive the flicker and blinking of the neon.
We tweaked it out with a few revisions exploring different fonts and colors. Presented here is a collection of a few different ideas - some of which made the final piece that aired - and some that didn't (but I liked anyway).
Completed May 4, 2015