I was asked by the creative director to help pitch a couple of concepts for some season 2 teasers of 'Witches'. Presented here are the resulting style-boards I created for the pitch.
concept A "levetation"
The idea here would be to shoot the actress underwater , but then composite out all clues that she's underwater, so she appears to be levetating in a weightless, surreal way. You notice that you can see her breath so you can assume that it's cold. When the camera dollys close enough, you notice that there's someone (although invisible) there with her.

concept B "ritual"
We see a symbol written in what appears to be sand on an old wooden floor surrounded by countless candles. As we move away, something causes a huge gust of wind which disturbs the sand and blows out all the candles (which magically re-light again afterwards). As the sand settles, it somehow settles into a pentagram symbol (see "resonance demo" reference) and we can now see the silhouette of a winged beast hovering above which appears to have been the cause of the wind gust. With one more strong flap of his wings, he again blows out all the candles to reveal the end logo in black.