I came up with the concept for the open of this show about 'child murderers' (ie: kids that kill their parents). It was important that we didn't imply anything school related (like chalkboards). The idea came together pretty quickly. I utilized the whole ViewMaster-style slide to match up with some show transitions that were previously made. The content inside of the slides was created an outside vendor.
The remarkable thing about this from a technical standpoint, is that the scratched-in word YOUNG on the wall I built from scratch (pun not intended) in After Effects as completely modular, meaning I could simply type a different word and the scratch animation would get rebuilt.
The remarkable thing about this from a technical standpoint, is that the scratched-in word YOUNG on the wall I built from scratch (pun not intended) in After Effects as completely modular, meaning I could simply type a different word and the scratch animation would get rebuilt.

Creepiest viewmaster slide in the world.

The footage in the viewmaster slides was previously created by another vendor, but I thought it was appropriate.

The transition through the viewmaster to a 3d environment was challenging, but worth it.

The entire write-on of "Young &" was built as completely modular in After Effects.

I gave myself the heebie jeebies when I made the floorboards come apart, but I needed a way to reveal DEADLY.

DEADLY was built using Element3D. First time using it and I instantly fell in love with it.

Thanks for watching!